10 Declarations for Gateway

These declarations that Bonita shared when she became director continue to guide our values at Gateway. Please join us in praying for Gateway to be all that God wills it to be!

From the Gateway Transition Service, August 29, 2017—

1. House of His Glory. This will be a resting place for the King of Glory! It will be a place of burning purity and light where no darkness can remain, and a place of revelation where people are transformed by His Presence and carry it into their homes, schools, and workplaces (the secret place to every place).

2. House of Prayer. There will be joy in this 24/7 house of prayer! It will be a place of powerful intercession where we receive vision and strategy to bring forth His kingdom government on earth as it is in heaven.

3. House of Worship. This will be a house of extravagant praise and worship that releases a sound and creates an open heaven over our region.

4. House of Prophecy. We will create a culture that values the prophetic and calls forth the purpose and destiny of individuals and our region.

5. House of Healing. This will be a house where physical, emotional, spiritual, mental, and relational healings will showcase the glory and power of God, our Healer.

6. House of Community. We will honor the diverse expressions of the church of Jesus Christ, and will create opportunities to walk together in authentic relationship; valuing, honoring, and serving one another.

7. House for all Generations. We will be a place for old and young to come together. The older generation will rise up as spiritual fathers and mothers to equip the young to love His Presence and value His worth.

8. House of Training. We will create multiple opportunities to equip, train, and empower people in worship, prayer, and missional living to impact society (the 7 mountains).

9. House of Harvest/Sending. This house will be a place where people capture God’s heart for the lost! Many will be thrust into the harvest fields, like the Moravians to boldly share the Good News here and abroad.

10. House of Regional Partnership. We will be intentional about building a relational network to steward what God is doing in our region and mobilize an army to pray effectively, so that in every place our offerings and incense will arise (Malachi 1:11)


Sunday, 12-2am: How I Learned to Pray


A Pure Stream